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Blue Marble Ltd. considers Hospitality Property to be a driving force in innovating urban development and is actively developing hospitality assets in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.
We have developed and are managing the Blue Sea Marble boutique hotel, located just off Tel-Aviv’s beautifully upkept shoreline and beachfront. An additional hotel is currently in the planning stages – to be built in the gorgeous, historic German Colony in Jerusalem, full of restaurants, theatres and other attractive shopping and leisure spots.
Blue Marble Ltd. works tirelessly to pinpoint properties that can be polished and turned into hospitality gems, with fantastic long-term potential.

The Blue Sea Marble Hotel underwent significant renovations at the start of 2020 to reflect and the constantly changing vibe of Tel Aviv, offering 27 modern, pleasant, and friendly rooms.
Emek Refaim 6
( Future Projects )
Emek Refaim 6 is the first templar building built in the German Colony in Jerusalem, which in the future will be converted into exclusive residential units alongside a luxury, boutique hotel, while meticulously keeping to the original architecture.
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